IRFC 2013
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- UIC EMC and Russian Railways
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Vladimir Yakunin
President Russian RailwaysRailways of the Russian Federation (RZD) , Russia
Born in 1948, Yakunin graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Mechanics as a Mechanical Engineer in 1972 and began his career as a junior research scientist at the State Institute of Applied Chemistry. After completing military service in the Soviet Army, he worked as an engineer and senior engineer at the Administration of the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for Foreign Trade and was also head of department at the A. F. Yoffe Physics and Technical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.
Between 1985 and 1991, Yakunin was Second and then First Secretary of the USSR’s Permanent Representative Office at the United Nations. He was then Chairman of the Board at the International Centre for Business Cooperation before becoming head of the North-Western Federal District Inspectorate of the Senior Control Department of the President of the Russian Federation
Yakunin became Deputy Minister of Transport in October 2000 and first Deputy Minister of Railways in February 2002. In October 2003, the Board of Russian Railways unanimously appointed Yakunin First Vice-President of the Company.
Since January 2006, has been the scientific leader and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Governance and Problem Analysis Centre attached to the Economics Section of the Department of Social Sciences at Russian Academy of Sciences (
In October 2007, he was awarded the Company medal “Honoured Rail Employee of Russian Railways” for his great contribution to implementing measures to reform rail transport, elaborating the development strategy of Russia’s railways, ensuring a constructive social policy and effective cooperation with Russia’s government and regions and with foreign railway administrations and international organizations,
Yakunin was reappointed President of Russian Railways by Russian Government Decree No. 843-r dated 12 June 2008.

Jean-Pierre Loubinoux
Director GeneralInternational Union of Railways (UIC) , France
Jean-Pierre Loubinoux was born in 1956. A graduate of the Ecole Centrale Paris, he worked at the French Foreign Trade Delegation to Hong Kong (1977-1978) before joining French railways SNCF in 1978, where he held various responsibilities including Director of the SNCF General Delegation in North-America and Chief Executive of French Railway UK Ltd in Britain. He then joined the SNCF Freight Department where he successively managed the Coal-Steel Business Unit and the Human Resources, Data Processing and Finance Department before being appointed Chief Executive of SNCF Freight International (2001) and from 2001 to 2009 Chairman and CEO of SNCF International and SNCF Director of International Development.
In March 2009 Jean-Pierre Loubinoux holds responsibilities in a large number of institutions and associations: French Foreign Trade Advisor and Chairman of the Transport Committee, Chairman of the Medef International France-Argentina Committee, Vice-Chairman of the Ecole Centrale Association, Chairman of AFFI (the French association of railway engineers and managers), Member of the Chartered Institute of Transport and Member of the Board of the US High Speed Rail Association.
Jean-Pierre Loubinoux has been awarded the Legion of Honour and is a holder of the Silver Medal of the French Ministery of Equipment, Transport and Tourism.
In September 2011, Jean-Pierre Loubinoux received his insignia as Commander of the French National Order of Merit – one of the highest decorations in France along with the Legion of Honour.

Zbyněk Stanjura
MinisterMinistry of Transport of the Czech Republic , Czech Republic
2012 – present: Minister of Transport
2010 – present: Member of Parliament (Lower Chamber)
2011 – 2012: Head of the political group in the Parliament
2002 – 2010: Mayor of the City of Opava
2003 – 2010: Chairman of the ‘Euroregion Silesia’
2005 – 2009: Vice-chairman of Union of Towns and Municipalities of the Czech Republic
2000 – 2008: Member of Regional Council of Moravia-Silesia
2000 – 2011: Regional Assembly of Moravia-Silesia
1997 – present: Member of Assembly of the City of Opava
Chairman of the Board, Silesian Universityin Opava
1982 – 1987: Faculty of Electrical Engineering Technical University of Brno, major in electronic computing
Zbyněk Stanjura was appointed Minister of Transport on 12 December 2012.

Philippe Citroën
Director GeneralAssociation of the European Rail Industry (UNIFE) , Belgium
• Since June 2011: Director General, UNIFE
• 2002-2011: CEO, Systra
• 1999-2002: Strategy Director, SNCF
• 1993-1999: Manager and Chief of staff, RATP
• 1990-1993: Special Advisor, French Transport Minister Cabinet
• 1986-1990: Transport Advisor, French permanent representation to the EU
Philippe Citroën joined UNIFE in June 2011. He began his career as Transport Advisor at the French Permanent Representation to the EU in 1986 and then became Member of the Cabinet of the French Transport Minister in 1990. In 1993 he became Manager and Chief of Staff at RATP Paris, and joined the SNCF as Strategy Director in 1999. Prior to assuming his position at UNIFE, he served for 8 years as CEO of Systra, one of the world’s leading public transport engineering companies.
Mr Citroën is a graduate of Paris II University in Public Law, holds a Diploma from the Paris Institute of Political Studies (Sciences Po) and also studied at the Ecole Nationale d'Administration (ENA), where he also lectured about Rail and Urban Transport. He is married and has three children.

Libor Lochman
Executive DirectorCommunity of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies (CER) , Belgium
Dr Libor Lochman has been Executive Director of the Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies (CER) since 1 January 2012. Born in 1963 in Czechoslovakia, he graduated at the Transport University in Zilina and has a doctorate in electronics from the West-Bohemian University Plzen. Libor Lochman has a strong background in Control-Command and signalling systems. Prior to his role as CER Deputy Executive Director and leader of technical affairs (2007-2011), he acted as director of the Railway Test Centre, a facility for testing European rolling stock, infrastructure and signalling components, in Prague (2000-2005).

Miloslav Hala
Deputy Minister for Air and Rail TransportMinistry of Transport of the Czech Republic , Czech Republic
18.06.2012 – present: Deputy Minister of Transport for Air and Rail Transport
2010 – 2012 SUDOP GROUP, Financial Director
2008 – 2010 ARCADIS CZ, Financial Director and Member of the Board of Directors
2004 – 2008 ARCADIS Project Management, Financial Director and Member of the Senior Management
2001 – 2004 Compass Management Consulting Ltd. (UK), Country Manager
1999 – 2001 Cautor Consulting, Member of the Board of Directors
1995 – 1999 Ernst&Young Praha, Audit Management – Partner
1993 – 1994 Ernst&Young CS Consulting, Audit Bratislava, General Manager
1992 – 1993 Ernst&Young CS Consulting, Audit Prague, Marketing Director
1991 – 1992 EC PHARE Privatization and Restructuring of industry in the Czech Republic Program, Member of the international Ernst&Young team
1990 – 1991 BH&D, British consulting company, subsidiary in Prague, Director
1985 – 1990 Strojimport, Prague, Head of Business Department
1982 – 1985 Business Department of Czechoslovak Embassy in Nairobi, Kenya
1977 – 1982 Strojimport, Prague, Sales Manager
Education: The University of Economics, Prague, graduated in 1977

Victor Zhukov
Deputy ChairmanOrganization for Cooperation of Railways (OSJD), Poland
Deputy Chairman of the OSJD Committee, representative of the Russian Federation in the OSJD Committee Born on 21.01.1942. Graduated from the Moscow Institute of Railway Engineers (now the Moscow State University of Railway Transport - MIIT) with specialty of electrician-mechanic.
Duties: in the Russian railways as a mechanic, chief engineer, chief of the locomotive depot, head of the Moscow-Smolensk Branch of Moscow Railway, the First Deputy Chief of the General Locomotive Branch of the Ministry of Railways (MPS), MPS General Representative in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, the Chief of Passenger Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Railways. Since 2002 has been Deputy Chairman of the OSJD Committee.
Awarded: badges "Honourary Railwayman of USSR" and "Honoured Worker of Transport of Russia". In 2012 was awarded the "Golden Chariot" for his personal contribution to the development of the rail transport industry.

Peter Wolters
Secretary GeneralEuropean Intermodal Association (EIA) , Belgium
Peter Wolters has been promoting intermodal transport and logistics best practices to EU authorities and industrial users for more than a decade. He advocates better interoperability between all transport modes: rail, road, waterborne and air, since the logistics' chain still has lots of shortcomings in infrastructural, technical, organisational and legal respects.
Peter’s experience covers recently finalized project partnership in industrial research such as EIRAC (European Intermodal Research Advisory Council); SmartCM (Smart Container Chain Management); Tellibox (new MegaSwapBox for road, rail, waterborne) and SPECTRUM (Developing Competitiveness of freight Transport by Rail in Unexploited Markets) and MODAIR (setting up new forum for air, rail and urban transport). Peter is an Advisory Board member in various initiatives such as SuperGreen (defining EU green corridors) and E-freight (providing a reference model for transport & logistics supporting paperless information exchange).
In the global intermodal context, Peter has been invited by authorities and administrations to address present examples of EU sustainable infrastructure policies and operations (Asia, Latin America) while he was invited as an evaluator to national innovation programmes.
Peters’ political efforts in aid of pushing freight & logistics towards the heart of EU industrial policies are an ongoing process. Recent achievements include dedicated visits to the cabinet of President Barroso (EC), Van Rompuy (EU Council), transport Commissioner Kallas and various other institutes (UN; OECD) in which EIA has an NGO status.
Peter is the co-author and publisher of the ‘Intermodal Yearbook; strategies, statistics, terminals and players’ atlas and ‘Intermodal Freight Transport in Europe’ handbook. ‘Mental shift’ initiatives have been introduced by Peter, including the ‘Intermodal Masterclass’ and the annual ‘Intermodal Awards’ ceremony for best practices.
Peter graduated as Human Resources Manager at the Academie Mens Arbeid in Tilburg (NL) in 1996, while he obtained an additional credential ‘European Organisations’ in 1997. His intermodal career started within the Intermodal Transport Foundation in the Netherlands, where after he was taken aboard the European Intermodal Association.

Gennady Bessonov
Secretary GeneralInternational Association Coordinating Council on Transsiberian Transportation (CCTT) , Russia
Gennady Bessonov was born in 1950. He graduated from the Fergana Polytechnic Institute in 1973, the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation in 1992, and the Higher Diplomatic courses of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2001.
He had worked for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs from 1987 to 2005 and held various diplomatic posts in the Central office of the Ministry and abroad. From 2001 to October 2005 Mr. Bessonov had been the Consul General of the Russian Federation in Gothenburg (Sweden). Starting December 2005, Gennady Bessonov is the Secretary General of the CCTT.

Miklós Kopp
Director FreightInternational Union of Railways (UIC), France
- Since 2012 Director Freight at UIC (International Union of Railways)
- 2011 Managing Director of HUNGRAIL Hungarian Rail Association
- 2007-2011 CEO of Záhony-Port
- 2006-2007 Commercial Director of International Forwarding Company Dunaferr Portolan Ltd.
- 2001-2006 Deputy General Director of Mávtranssped International Forwarding Ltd.
- 1995-2000 Managing Director of PANCIS Ltd.
- 1990-1995 Head of Department in Mávtranssped Kft. Export-import and inland transportation of goods
- 1986-1990 Ministry of Foreign Trade, Chief of Section in the Forwarding Department
- 1982-1986 Specialist in the Central Planning Board
- 1976-1982 Employed by Hungarian State Railway (MÁV) in several working places

Thierry Barel
Presiding Board Member UNIFE & CEO Faiveley TransportFaiveley Transport, France
Since April 2011: Chairman& CEO - FAIVELEY TRANSPORT Group
Education & Training :
Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts & Métiers, France
Institute for Management Development, Lausanne, Switzerland
1984-1988, 4 years: STAUBLI GROUP, Switzerland, Industrial responsibilities
1988-1989, 1 year: SERAC GROUP, Brazil, Industrial Director
1990-2006, 16 years: STAUBLI GROUP, Switzerland:
- 1990-1994: Division Connectors Manager, USA
- 1994-1997: Division Quality Manager, France
- 1998-2000: Division Textile, multi-sites Manager
- 2001-2004: Division Robotics World Manager
- 2005-2006: CEO
2007-2009, 2 years: PHOTO-ME INTERNATIONAL, UK
From July 2009 to March 2011: FAIVELEY Transport Group - COO

Jürgen Maier
Head International AffairsBLS & BLS Cargo, Switzerland
Experience 4 years in Railway Industry, Holding and Freight
Different positions in:
- Political Affairs (National and International)
- Project- and Risk Management Freight
- Strategy Freight
Experience 4 years in Railway Industry, Infrastructure
Different positions in:
- Support- / Process-Management
- Strategy Development Freight
- Quality- and Risk Management, Strategy Development
Experience 3 years in Aviation Industry, Airport Zurich
Different positions in:
- Innovation Management/Business Development
- Corporate Development
- Consulting for Airlines and Airports
Experience 6 yearsin Aviation Industry, Airlines Crossair and Swissair
Different positions in:
- Route Development/Strategy
- Market Research
- Consulting for Airlines

Olaf Krüger
Chairman of the Executive BoardCommunity of European Rail Forwarders (IBS), Germany
Olaf Krüger is since 1992 in charge of the development of Rail activities within the Kühne + Nagel group. Prior to Kühne + Nagel, he was responsible for the Cargo Division of Deutsche Reichsbahn (East German Railway).
Olaf Krüger is co-founder of the Europäischen Interessengemeinschaft der Bahnspediteure (Community of European Rail Forwarders) founded in 1996, since when he was kept reelected as its Chairman. Main objective of IBS is to coordinate business environment and frame regulation in further development of Railfreight transport services.
Kühne + Nagel (AG & Co.) KG
Director Management Europaean Rail Traffic
Region Central Europe

Erik Evtimov
Deputy Secretary GeneralInternational Rail Transport Committee (CIT) , Switzerland
Erik Evtimov studied law at the Universities of Sofia and Bern. He was awarded a Master of European Law (LL.M. Eur.) following post graduate studies in European law at Saarland University. He qualified as a lawyer in Sofia. A doctorate (Dr iur.) was conferred on him by the University of Bern in 2003 with the distinction "magna cum laude". He has worked as a Senior Legal Adviser in the General Secretariat of the International Rail Transport Committee (CIT) since 2004 and as Deputy Secretary General since 2012. He is chairman of the CIT/OSJD CIM/SMGS Legal Group and the UNECE Informal Group of Experts on Unified Railway Law and a member of various working groups and committees of the CIT, of the Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies (CER) in Brussels, of the International Union of Railways (UIC) in Paris and of the Intergovernmental Organisation for International Carriage by Rail (OTIF) in Bern.
He was formerly a lawyer in the legal department of Caritas Schweiz having been an academic assistant at the Institute for European and International Economic Law at the University of Bern and a Project Manager at the World Trade Institute in Bern. He led projects for the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) in the Central Asian Republics and for the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe (SPSEE) in the countries of South-Eastern Europe. In 2004, he was an intern in the Cabinet of the Advocate General Juliane Kokott in the European Court of Justice (ECJ).
He is a lecturer in European and International Rail Transport Law at the University of Bern and has been visiting lecturer in European Economic Law at the University of Sofia since 2003. From 2001 to 2005 he was Secretary of the Swiss section of the European Community Studies Association (ECSA Suisse).

Petr Kroča
Marketing DirectorJERID / OLTIS Group, Czech Republic
Born in 1967, Analyst, Project Coordinator, Marketing Director and President of the IRFC Conference.
Earned his master degrees at the Transport University in Žilina, Slovakia, specialisation Operation and Economy of Railway Transport with focus on Informatics. Worked for Czechoslovak and Czech Railways and went through various positions: Station Dispatcher, IT Administrator, Chief-Analyst of freight IT systems and Head of IT teams. In 1993 co-founder of the company JERID. Responsible for preparation, management and evaluation of projects focused on research and development of systems for European rail freight transport, particularly specialized on digital content, railway infrastructure and wagon monitoring. Coordinator of R&D projects in 7th Framework Programme and in EUREKA, the programme of European market oriented research and development. In 2009 awarded the prize EUREKA Innovation Days Award 2009 for the project E! 3161 E-RAILMAP. Since 2012, Chairman of the Board of GETA, Green European Transport Association. He speaks English and Russian.

Gerhard Troche
Policy Officer (END), Rail Transport and InteroperabilityEuropean Commission , Belgium
- since 2010: Policy Officer (END) at the European Commission, DG MOVE - Rail Transport and Interoperability
- 2008 - 2010: Expert advisor in the Freight Corridor Working Group at the Swedish Ministry of Transport
- 2003 - 2010: Independent railway and logistics consultant
- 1996 - 2010: Scientific Researcher and project leader at the Railway Group of the Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm (KTH) / Sweden.

Victor Rebets
General DirectorSouth Caucasus Railway, Armenia
Victor Rebets was born in 1957. In 1984 he graduated from Moscow Institute of Railway Engineers as a specialist of "Process control of railway transportation", in 1998 he graduated from the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the RF and in 2007 MBA Russian Economic Academy after Plekhanov.
He started working in the railway system in 1984 as a duty of the railroad park. Over the years V. Rebets also worked as a duty in the station, the deputy chief and the chief of the station, the deputy chief and the chief of the department of transportation, deputy head of transportation, the head of Moscow-Kursk branch, the head of Transportation Management of Moscow Regional Center of Moscow Railway, deputy head of Moscow railway, deputy head of the Department for Cooperation with the Federal and Regional Authorities of JSC "Russian Railways".
Since January 2008 V. Rebets has been the head of the Department for Cooperation with the Federal and Regional Authorities of JSC "Russian Railways"
On February 15, 2012 V. Rebets was appointed as the Chief Executive Officer of CJSC "South Caucasian Railway".

Ján Simčo
Director of Strategy and Development DepartmentZSSK Cargo, Slovakia
05/2012 – present: ZSSK CARGO, Headquarters, Strategy and Development Department – Department Director
11/2010 – 04/2012: ŽSR, General Directions of ŽSR – Director of Commercial Department
10/2006 – 09/2010: ZSSK CARGO – Member of the Board of Directors and Director of Trade Division
03/2003 – 09/2006: ZSSK/ZSSK CARGO – Director of Dep. of Strategy and Investment Development
01/2002 – 02/2003: ZSSK – System specialist/engineer and project manager of rail projects;
01/2000 – 12/2001: Head of railway dispatchers and railway engineer in operations;
01/1994 – 12/1999: Railway operation of Slovak railways (ZSR) – engine driver (electrical and mechanical power transmission – passenger and freight service, shunting and marshalling service);
07/1992 – 12/1993: Maintenance of rolling stock (electrical and diesel locos and freight and passenger wagons)
International and domestic experience: Direct activities at the UIC (International Railway Union, Paris), AEIF (association of railway engineers), CER (Community of European Railways) and other academic and business organisations in Slovakia

Pavel Špráchal
Director Sales DepartmentČD Cargo, Czech Republic
He was born in 1970. He graduated from the Secondary School of Railways in Česka Třebova, specialisation in Transport and Haulage, then from the University of Transport and Communciations in Žilina, Department of Railway Operations and Economics.
He started his career in Ford Charouz, later he worked in Bohemiakombi, Česke drahy and at present he works as the Sales Division Director in ČD Cargo, a.s. At the same time he is the chairman of the board of directors of Raillex, a.s. and a member of the board of directors of ČD – DUSS Terminal, a.s. Pavel Špráchal lives in Prague, he is married and has two daughters.

Werner Dorfmeister
HP Chief Technology ManagerHEWLETT-PACKARD, Austria
Werner joined HP from VMware Global Inc. where he managed the Vmware business in Central and Eastern Europe after working more than 7 years in Microsoft as Business Development Manager, IT Evangelist, and Solution Architect where he held and end-to-end responsibility for new products and services. Being responsible for emerging services and innovative solutions in HP in the CEE region he drove the strategic enterprise services business in ES within the last 4years developing topics like Railway Industry Solutions, Cloud, Next Generation Workplace Solutions, SAP as a Service and Network as a Service. Focusing on the development of new solutions for the railway industry he is driving the communication to key executives as CTO in the CEE region.

Miroslav Haltuf
International Affairs RepresentativeOLTIS Group, Czech Republic
Miroslav Haltuf was born in 1958, graduated at the University of Žilina, Faculty of Operation and Economy of Railway Transport. He has dedicated himself to railway transport since 1981. He worked for Czechoslovak State Railways in various operational positions and later on, at Czech Railways, he mainly attended to international affairs activities in the field of UIC and Paneuropean Transport Corridors. Since 1999 he acts in private sector as advisor, independent expert and project manager. Currently he cooperates e.g. with UNIFE, UIC, ERA, UITP and others. He is a member of research projects; he cooperates with ERRAC and IRRB, he is involved in SHIFT2RAIL initiative and is also a member of some international projects focused basically on the improvement of RFID technology in railway sector.

Sandra Géhénot
Senior Freight AdvisorInternational Union of Railways (UIC) , France
International Union of Railways, Paris
- Senior Freight Advisor
- Projects include DIOMIS (assessing how to ensure modal shift to rail in a context of shared and saturated infrastructure), IMPORT (improving the productivity of combined transport), ICOMOD (assessing the viability of a rail link between Asia and Europe)
English Welsh and Scottish Railway International, London
- Market Manager, Intermodal Department
- Management of 2 (out of 5) intermodal key accounts which operated through the Channel Tunnel
Railfreight Distribution Limited (channel tunnel freight division of British Rail), London
- European Business Manager
- BA Languages, MSC Business - in the UK
- Belgian citizenship
- Married, one daughter

Michael A. Robson
Managing DirectorRobsons‘ International Railway Consultancy, Great Britain
Michael Robson is Managing Director of Robsons’ International Railway Consultancy which was established in 2010. Prior to setting up his consultancy Michael was Secretary General of the European Rail Infrastructure Managers (EIM) from 2006 to 2010, having previously held senior positions in British Rail, Railtrack and Network Rail. Mr Robson has experience in managing operations, passenger sales, general management, freight, performance regimes, train and engineering planning in nationalized and private railways.
Mr Robson is experienced in studying the effects of new and proposed European Railway legislation and is currently a member of the Institute of Logistics and Transport, the Institute of Management, Chairman of the SMARTRAIL Advisory Board and a member of the EURNEX Advisory Board. His recent experience has covered the trends in infrastructure investment, maintenance and renewal in addition to new rail projects mostly in Europe but with some world exposure. He is also experienced in work on financing and replacement of rolling stock (locomotives, passenger vehicles and freight wagons) in addition to safety and security aspects and has been a member of the Board of the European Railway Agency.

Werner Bach
Referent int. AffairsDB Schenker Rail, Germany
Mr Bach started working for Deutsche Bundesbahn in 1971. After working in several departments of production branch he studied at the Fachhochschule für Öffentliche Verwaltung, faculty Rail business at Cologne.
1990 Graduation as Diplom-Verwaltungsbetriebswirt
1990-1993 Sales manager for DB passenger traffic
1993-1995 Sales manager for DB freight traffic, general goods
Since 1995 working in different branches of international affairs at DB Cargo, Railion Deutschland AG and actual working at DB Schenker Rail AG.
Special interests: International cooperations, tariff management and tariff policy.

Petr Jonák
External Affairs DirectorAWT, Czech Republic
Petr Jonák is responsible for AWT Group relations with public institutions, marketing, corporate communication and sustainability. From 2006 and 2009 he held the equivalent position in Škoda Auto. Prior to that he was an economics and business journalist with the Czech Press Agency, with the Czech daily business newspaper, Hospodářské noviny, and as the Brussels correspondent of the Czech Press Agency . He graduated from the University of Economics in Prague.

Dyre Martin Gulbrandsen
DirectorEress, Norway
Dyre Martin Gulbrandsen holds the position as Director of Eress. He has been responsible for the development, implementation and daily operation of the settlement system Erex since its very beginning.
Mr. Gulbrandsen holds a Master of Science (MSc) in industrial economics and technology management degree and is certificated in financial energy analysis. He has long experience working within the energy and railway market.
Since 2003 Mr. Gulbrandsen has been working as Energy Trading Manager at the Norwegian National Rail Administration. His areas of responsibility include energy procurement, settlement and billing in the Norwegian railway network.

Xu Xijun
DirectorLianyungang Land Bridge Enterprise Development Research Center, China
XU Xi-jun (born 1960), male, jiangsu lianyungang, Huaihai engineering college academic journal editorial board director. China mining university international political and economic research institute adjunct professor, China transportation association continental bridge logistics alliance expert committee,Lianyungang City Land Bridge Enterprise Development Research Center Director.
The standing committee of lianyungang city political consultative conference, the Chinese alliance alliance lianyungang municipal party committee propaganda department minister, lianyungang city writers association, vice chairman and secretary general of the secondary writer.
At home and abroad over newspapers published works more than 160 words. Dozens of works income several offprint, anthology, teaching material.
Some works are revenue Canada, Turkey's university teaching materials, won the "zhongshan prize", "ginseng flower prize", "national miniature novel prize" and "the second session of the Chinese vernacular literature prize" and several awards.
Director, shooting TV specials, instructional film more than 30 department, on television or in the provincial and municipal awards.
In the university after the enterprise management, marketing, business negotiation, sales management, public relations, consumer psychology, enterprise culture, knowledge economy main courses.
Organization, planners, and participate in international academic seminar of many field.
Published "The new concept of modern management, enterprise culture", "The new asia-europe continental bridge area development theory and practice", "New Eurasia land bridge contribution twenty years", "Mood consumption" and other books.

Jaroslav Novák
Deputy Director of Railways, Rail and Combined Transport Dept. and Head of Combined Transport UnitMinistry of Transport of the Czech Republic , Czech Republic
Jaroslav Novák graduated at the University of Žilina, Faculty of Operation and Economy of Railway Transport. He is an expert with 35 years experience in the field of combined transport and transport logistics and with extensive experiences with rail freight and road transport.
He is engaged in lecturing and publishing activities in the field of logistics, intermodal transport and forwarding.
Mr. Novák is the deputy director of railway, rail and combined transport department and the head of combined transport department of Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic.

Harald Jony
Department ManagerÖBB Infrastruktur - Division Energy, Austria
Since 2009 Harald Jony is Director of Sales of the energy department at the Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB) and has been active in the railway sector since 2003. He is responsible for the sales and metering part of energy in Austria and responsible for metering and energy services in an international context especially CEE. Also for the energy saving project of ÖBB and the energy supply of sites.

Hacer Uyarlar
General SecretaryUTİKAD - Association of International Forwarding and Logistics Service Providers, Turkey
Graduated: Economics of AOU Eskisehir
Business carrier: after 18 years of experience in the field of transport business - mainly by railways in Turkey, established own company in 2003, still active and core business is for CIS destinations. Became a board member of UTIKAD, and General Secretary (Turkish Freight Forwarders Associations in Turkey ) in 2008 as responsible of railway business activities. Because of rail business concern at Utikad, was invited to be a member of rail working group of FIATA in 2009. Yearly, attending to rail seminars, forums and congress etc. where the rail Logistics demand.

Timur Zhunussov
Senior Manager Department Marketing and LogisticsKaztemirtrans, Kazakhstan
He has been working in the railway transport sphere since 1998. Till 2007 he worked in the administration of Kazakhstan Railways. He was responsible for the area of common tariff policy, marketing of cargo transportation, the questions of the enterprise’s development and restructuring of Kazakhstan Railways. During his work as a representative of Ministry of Transport and Communications and Kazakhstan Railways he was engaged in the international activities regarding the development of railway transport in many international organisations like Council of CIS, The Eurasian Economic Community (EurAsEC), Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO), Organization for Cooperation of Railways (OSJD) and Council for Rail Transport of CIS and Baltic States (CRT CIS)

Krzysztof Niemiec
Vice President of the Management Board of Fusion Invest PolskaTrack Tec, Poland
Krzysztof Niemiec graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow and then completed postgraduate studies at the Cracow University of Technology. For more than 20 years he worked for the Polish State Railways (PKP), beginning as Deputy Manager of the Cracow Nowa Huta railway station and advancing to a member of the PKP S.A. Management Board. His further career lead through the Management Board of CTL Logistics to the current position of Vice President of the Management Board of Fusion Invest Polska. His employers include also Track Tec Group, a major supplier of railway superstructure elements.

Anna Kodysová
Head of International DepartmentSZDC, Railway Infrastructure Administration Czech Republic, Czech Republic
Anna Kodysová was born in 1958. After graduation from the CVUT (Czech Technical University in Prague), Faculty of Civil Engineering, field of study: Structure and Transport Construction she exercised a number of functions at the former Czechoslovak/Czech State Railways and SŽDC (Railway Infrastructure Administration). In 1995 she obtained the Certificate of Transport Construction and two years later the Bridges and Structural Engineering Certificate and the Building Construction and Structural Engineering Repairing Systems Certificate in the UK. In 2003 she graduated from the University of Economics in Prague + Manchester Metropolitan University as Master of Business Administration (MBA). She worked for Czech Railways as an independent engineer for track substructure, investment activities and economy plans, public relations and later as Director of the Head Office. In 2003 she started to work for SŽDC (RIA) which is one of the successor organizations of the former state organization Czech Railways after its transformation. SŽDC performs the role of railway infrastructure owner and its competence includes issues dealing with providing operation, operability, modernization and development of the railway infrastructure and at the same time with path allocation as well as timetables´ construction. Her position in SŽDC is currently Head of International Relations.

Aleksandr Yevsyuk
Deputy Head Of Cargo Transportation and Foreign Links ServiceBelarusian Railways, Belarus
Since 2011, he has been working as the Deputy Head of Cargo Transportation and Foreign Affairs Service. Aleksandr Yevsyuk was born in 1962 in Belarus, graduated from the Belarusian State University of Transport (formerly the Institute of Railway Engineers), and has an extensive experiences in the field of transport and logistics, primarily in the field of international freight transport and creating of railway freight tariffs.

Roman Prokeš
Managing ConsultantCGI, Czech Republic
Roman Prokes works at the company CGI as a managing consultant, primarily for Energy & Utility sector, with focus on asset and maintenance management.
His achievements include practical application of maintenance facilities management methods based on the assessment of the actual state and its associated risks in association with equipment maintenance.
He previously worked on significant projects such as the NET4GAS, RWE, CEZ, PRE, E.ON Ruhrgas or Gasunie Transport Services.

Jiří Janšta
Head of the Centre IT SystemsOLTIS Group, Czech Republic
Graduate of the University of Pardubice, Jan Perner Transport Faculty, Transport Technology and Control. Upon his graduation in 2000 he started his career in the rail industry. Since 2000 he worked for AK signal Brno a.s. in the department of research and development of railway interlocking and diagnostic devices. In 2005 he started to work for OLTIS Group as a transport analyst. He is involved in implementation of TAF TSI in information systems of the infrastructure manager in the Czech Republic. He deals with research and development of products covering the entire life cycle of trains. He is the head of the production department of information systems for basic control of the railway traffic.

Li Xing Zhi
ChairmanYuXinOu (Chongqing) Logistics, China
Mr. Li Xingzhi is a graduate of Transportation Management from Chongqing Transportation University, a Master of Business Administration from Chongqing University, and also a senior economist.
He has worked as a series of management roles in several subsidiaries of Chongqing Transportation (Group) Co Ltd since 1986, through which gained he rich management experience in logistics. Mr. Li was appointed as the Deputy General Manager of Chongqing Transportation (Group) Co Ltd in 2008 and then the Chairman of YUXINOU (CHONGQING) LOGISTICS CO LTD in 2012, when the company was established.

Jan Vala
System EngineerInformation Intelligence Group, EMC, Czech Republic
Senior Systems Engineer EMC Information Intelligence Group.
13+ years of experience as consultant in the Enterprise Content Management business with main focus on EMC Documentum implementations in the EMEA region

Alevtina Kirillova
Advisor of the FSTRF Manager, State Councillor Class 3Federal Tariff Service of the Russian Federation, Russia
She graduated from the Institute of Railway Engineers in Tashkent.
In 2003, she finished her postgraduate studies and in 2011 she graduated from the Moscow State University of Railway Transport (MIIT). She is the Doctor of Technical Sciences.
She began her carrier on the Central Asian Railways. Since 1996, she worked in commercial companies of the Russian Federation in the field of railway transport, forwarding and logistics. She also was an Associate Professor on the Department "Logistics Transport Systems and Technologies" on the Moscow State University of Railway Transport (MIIT).
Since 2010, she worked in the Federal Tariff Service of Russia.
Alevtina Kirrilova is an author of scientific papers and practical guidelines on the organization of rail and intermodal transport and logistics.

Miroslav Škota
Project ManagerRPP Interantional, Czech Republic
He studied at the University of Pardubice – Jan Perner Transport Faculty and graduated in 2005 with a Mater degree in Transport Technology and Management. After graduation he started to work for the company ČD – Telematika a.s. as a system specialist / consultant for the implementation of information systems for railways. Since 2008 he has been employed by the company CDT International s.r.o. / RPP International, s.r.o. as a project manager and consultant for implementation of IT systems.
For more than 7 years he has got experiences with implementation of different kind of IT systems for railways and with strategy plan creation, analyses and development of conceptual documents for railways. He also participated in coordination and designing solutions in different international projects for railways.

Pavel Lagov
Strategy DirectorInterRail Holding, Russia
With over 15 years’ experience in the international transportation and logistics fields (including rail, trucking, shipping, warehousing, and container logistics) Pavel Lagov possesses an in-depth knowledge of the railway and intermodal business environment in Russia, the Commonwealth of Independent States, Europe, Central Asia, and South-East Asia. He is currently responsible for identifying strategic business ventures and developing joint intermodal routes for InterRail Trans-Siberian Express Service, a leading private intermodal container operator in Russian and CIS, including regular humanitarian supply deliveries to Afghanistan. On fellowship, he will investigate government regulation of the U.S. transportation and logistics industry; best practices in supply chain management; and ways to develop and maintain a productive corporate culture.

Manfred Bock
Head of Travel Transport & LogisticsT-Systems, Germany
Manfred Bock has been Head of Travel Transport & Logistics at T-Systems International GmbH since 2009. Born in 1965, he graduated 1994 from Economy studies at the University Curych. His career was associated with finance and sales. Before joining T-Systems, he worked in several telco and IT companies in managerial positions, in the last as a Director Enterprise Services of Thales Information Systems GmbH in 2008-2009.

Josef Vesecký
Product ManagerUniControls, Czech Republic
After graduating from Czech Technical University he joined UniControls Company. He started to work in business department as a technical support for both local and foreign market and at the present he is a product manager. He likes sport, reading and photography.

Purev Batkhuyag
Director OperationsUlaanbaatar Railway, Mongolia
1987-1991 Technical school of Ulaanbaatar Railways, specialization: engineering and engine mechanic
1991-1993 Mechanic of engines‘ wheel set, engine house of Ulaanbaatar railways
1993-1998 University of Irkutsk, engineering in railway transport, master degree
1998-2001 Mongolian-Chinese border railway station Dzamyn-Ude, rail-shifter, shunter, station dispatcher, vice master for cargo transport and operation
2001-2006 Master of Mongolian-Russian Brother railway station Sukhbaatar
02-03/2005 Senior railway courses organized by Foundation of eastern Japan railway‘s culture
2006 - Head of International Dispatch Centre of Ulaanbaatar railway