IRFC 2013
- Conference Overview
- Foreword and Topics
- UIC EMC and Russian Railways
- GALILEO User Forum
- IRFC Exhibition
- Railway Excursion
- Opportunity for Speakers
- Opportunity for Sponsors
- Venue and Location
- Accommodation
- Visa
- Contacts
- Online Registration
- IRFC 2011 Archive
- IRFC 2009 Archive
- IRFC 2008 Archive


GALILEO User Forum
Galileo User Forum Workshop on Freight and Logistics
Preliminary Programme
„GNSS for Optimising Logistics“
International Galileo User Forum Workshop dedicated to the use of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) services in freight logistics applications. GUF workshops represent a Czech initiative which assembles end users of GNSS applications. Through the mediation of GUF Workshops the participants are involved in technical discussion with European institutions responsible for the development of satellite navigation – European Commission, European GNSS Agency and European Space Agency.
The GUF workshop „GNSS for Optimising Logistic” is organised by the Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic under the support of GSA. The expected participants are from the area of Public Sector, Railway, Road and Logistics Operators, Freight Forwarding Companies, Industry and Academia. The objective of this workshop is to formulate and set up the recommendations for further deployment of satellite navigation systems in the freight logistics sector.
The seminar is divided into the following three basic sections:
- International/European Strategy and Framework for GNSS in the freight logistics;
- What solutions are available now;
- End Users expectations and needs.
General GUF Workshops objectives:
- Workshops are designed to formulate common standpoints and recommendations to end-users, which should be taken into account in the development of satellite navigation systems and their implementation in practice.
- The main objectives of the workshops are not only a presentations of current trends and technical capabilities of satellite systems for specific regions, but also defining the needs and requirements of end users for future GNSS satellite navigation systems, primarily for the future European system Galileo.
- Initiate the discussions to define requirements and improvements for future services guaranteed by Galileo, which the current satellite navigation systems do not provide.
Brief summary about the already held GUF workshops are available on:
The workshop GALILEO will be only in English!
Registration at the workshop is free.
The details that you provide during registration will be used only to the organizers.
Confirmation of registration will be sent to the e-mail address you specify.
All participants must be registered or will not be admitted to enter the conference hall!